Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Information Technology

"INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY makes many things possible but it is only EDUCATION that many things happen"

Monday, January 5, 2009


It reminds me the memory of my grandfather when, I was watching to the story. If we still have a time and chance to show to them that we loved them and we care for them we must show it, if the time comes that there gone we have no chance to show ii because they will not be around forever.

"Computer Technology in Media"

Computer technology in our generation right now has a big contribution media because of computer the people who have business can still manage there business even though there so busy and also can have negotiation in computer. to our OFW's who work in abroad they can still know what's happening in the Philippines it also help to them to communicate there family through internet and for the people who have no work they can found job in internet. The advantage to young people in to computer technology they can enhance there knowledge they can research in advance and the dis-advantage they will going to abuse it through using computer over time, abusing there selfby not sleeping early, lying to there parents just to go to internet cafe and play.


We are still lucky to have our own home are parents can provide our needs in our daily life, we can eat (3) three times a day and our parents sent us into school. All people have different life if there a people who needs in our help and if we have to give we should give. In every blessings that we recieve say "thank you" for that bleesing to GOD.